Saturday, 16 October 2010

Week 2 - Thing's start to take some form!

This week has been progressing well with regards to work on the reservoir dogs project. I have made good progress with the character models and have definitely made good progress in getting the likeness of John Buscemi nailed down. I think that when doing likenesses getting an outside perspective on the work is key, I have gone about asking many colleagues  what they think needs changing on the sculpt, and everyone seems to notice something different. This has helped really nail down a good likeness, and I think that the sculpt of John Buscemi should be done by next week's update. This is the progress so far -

The other thing I have been working on is the body sculpt. I have chosen to approach it in a bit of an unorthodox fashion. I am starting by making a game style model, in the "A" pose. This model is going to flesh out the broad details and non deformed parts of the suit and be a generic body frame size. I am then going to re-proportion the mesh to fit the actors body, and then post it using transpose in ZBrush. From there I am going to sculpt in detail and deformation that is unique to the pose of the characters in the scene, almost as if they were frozen in that position.  This is not a technique that would be used that much in the games industry, but I think that it will allow for much more detail in the piece as a piece of sculpted artwork as opposed to a game model that was going to be rigged and animated. The way I described it to my peers was that I wanted it to be like a "matrix moment" as if time has stood still at a moment of high emotion and tension.  Work so far has got to the stage where most of the body in the "A" pose is fleshed out, and some detailing has been done. Over the next week I will be aiming to have the "A" pose completed ready for re-posing. This is a screen of the work so far -

As far as group work is going, Dan seems to e coming on well with the block out, and has started to create some more detailed geometry, it's looking good and I am excited to see more!


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