Friday, 19 November 2010

Alpha Presentation

This Tuesday we gave our Alpha presentation, If I am honest I felt it could have gone a lot better, but did not go terribly. I made a quite substantial mistake by using a version of UDK that was newer than the Uni build, meaning we had to rely on screen grabs, a lot of which we of an older version of the set-up. However, one thing I notice was that we actually seem to be a bit further alone our production plan than other people, this however may be due to being one of the only groups, and that the scene lacks the complexity of other students.

For the presentation I actually managed to get my characters posed, and had a lighting and post processing set up done. This was a lot of work, but I think it was definitely worth it, as it gave a lot more depth to the scene than It would have had if I had just placed "A" posed characters in a scene without any decent lighting set up.

The next milestone is mid January now, this is the milestone for the final complete version of the scene. I am going to carry on at a steady pace until that date, but will probably slow down from the pace I have been going at, as to dedicate time to other modules that need some love.

Heres a few shots of the scene as it was for the presentation:


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